Lindsey Graham Admits 'Fox News' Is A Special Interest Group Opposing Immigration Reform

The South Carolina Senator wants Trump to take the heat from Fox News if they do hammer out a compromise.

During Trump's photo-op "bipartisan" meeting on immigration today, Sen. Lindsey Graham explained the pitfalls of any agreement between the two parties because of the hard core xenophobia coming from their Republican base, adding that right wing media instructed Trump to close the deal.

What was even more interesting was how Sen. Graham described his critics for comprehensive immigration reform and framed Fox News.

Graham has figured out how to suck up to Trump so that he can get his points across.

"I've been doing this for ten years. I don't think I've seen a better chance to get it done than I do right now because of you," Lindsey said.

Graham supported the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 back during Bush's presidency when Ted Kennedy and John McCain hammered out a deal that was later destroyed by the xenophobes running the GOP show.

Sen. Graham continued, "I've had my head beat out a bunch. I'm still standing. Lindsey Grahamnesty, Lindsey Gomez, you name every name that's been assigned to me. And I'm still standing. The people of South Carolina want a result."

"We made a decision Mr. President, not to do it comprehensively. I think that's a smart decision but a hard decision. We passed three comprehensive bills out of Senate with over 65 votes, they go to the House to die. I'm not being disparaging to my House colleagues. This is politics if you're a Republican House member turning on the radio."

Graham called his Republican House brethren a bunch of immovable rugrats when it comes to immigration.

Sen. Graham said, "You turn on Fox News and I can hear the drum beat coming. Right wing radio and TV talk show hosts are going to beat the crap out of us because it's going to be amnesty all over again."

He continued, "62% of the Trump voters support a pathway to citizenship for the DACA kids if you have strong borders. You have created an opportunity here, Mr. President, and you need to close the deal."

Isn't Fox News fair and balanced?

Graham tells us that Fox News is nothing more than a special interest group that supports a xenophobic agenda against all comprehensive immigration reform.

Ann Coulter is Fox News' spokeswoman on immigration.

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