Mike's Blog Round Up

Your liberal blog post links for Sunday...

"I repeat, this is not a drill: Duck & cover!" Final Edition, as finalized by M. Bouffant.

WWIII aside, poopy-doody-gate has not left us: Friendly Atheist spots some Biblical justification.

Big Bad Bald Bastard looks at robotic strippers, techbros & S-E-X.

The Gov. of Kentucky ("Christ, what an asshole!") wants fewer Kentuckians to have health care, & therefore more of his state's people to die. Zandar has the sad story.

Text is important, absolutely. But sometimes ... The Burned Over District's montag has a thousand words' worth. As do Hackwhackers.

BONUS TRACK: Not just a cat picture, a cat .gif (And a very bad kitty!) from Why Evolution Is True.

That's it for me, thanks for reading (This wk. & always, everywhere. Reading is fundamental!) & if there's still an Internet in a few wks., I should be back here in the round-up saddle. 'Til then, I'll be branding dogies at the old corral, WEB OF EVIL (& ENNUI).

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