Mike's Blog Round Up
Your Liberal blog post links for Thursday...
Is it ... is it Thursday yet? Yes? Whew, 'cause Thurs. is hump day for Web-Log Up-Rounders ... let's get going then:
Bark Bark Woof Woof on passing for presidential.
The New York Crank all over David Brooks.
Lawyers, Guns & Money's Campos on Chait on just how effing cretinous the party of Lincoln, Hoover, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, two Bushes, senility, dementia, &c. is, & how long it's been that way. Aren't you glad you (unlike most Republicans) can read w/ full comprehension? Also too, No More Mr. Nice Blog.
Speaking of reading comprehension, the G.O.P. hasn't been harmed much by its deliberate dumbness because most Americans is jes' plain stoopid: "A tome about Allied bombing of Germany during the Second World War that has the same title as Michael Wolff’s Trump exposé has received a bump in sales". You clod-hopping cretins.
A Thousand Word's Worth, from Politicalprof.
Huh. It's almost as if there was a theme to today's effort. Selected by anti-anti-intellectual M. Bouffant, whose supremely intellectual spew is also available here.