Monica Crowley: Trump Supporters Are 'Burning Their MAGA Hats' Over Immigration Proposal

Trump's hardcore immigration offer to the Democrats is being portrayed as too soft by his extreme xenophobic right.

Plagiarist Monica Crowley is convinced Trump supporters are are burning their MAGA hats over the offer of "amnesty" for DREAMers.

She told Fox Business that Trump supporters feel betrayed by the proposal that 1.8 million DREAMers maintain their DACA status and a path to citizenship, even if Trump gets everything else he desires, including mass deportations and the "wall."

This is probably not a political tactic, because the Freedom Caucus and all their hardline followers are not very savvy when it comes to making deals.

On Varney & Co., Monica Crowley was very against this deal.

Varney, the Trump sycophant, asked, "What's wrong with that deal?"

Crowley was upset that Trump increased the DREAMers to include the hundreds of thousands that never applied to the program. After Varney said there were enough moderates to make the deal happen, Crowley said the parties are too polarized and moderates are virtually extinct.

Crowley said, "And you're going to lose the right who already feel betrayed. I was watching social media, they're burning their MAGA hats ."

Stuart, "Of course they are."

She continued, "This president, if you were to point to one issue that got him elected... and a lot of things did get him elected... but the single greatest thing was building the wall. Now, I think he would be happy to give the Dreamers in exchange for the wall, but 25 billion isn't nearly enough and if this is the opening gambit here, I think this deal is in grave trouble."

Even though we know the cost of a massive Mexican border wall would zoom into the stratosphere, when was $25 billion dollars ever considered chump change?

Trump said he could easily build the wall for much less money and in record time as well.

And oh, by the way, Trump has always claimed that Mexico would pay for the wall.

Stuart: "Okay, we shall agree to differ."

Ashley Webster asked, "50 billion, would that be enough?"

Monica: "That might sweeten the pot. (laughing) Pay for the whole thing."

I thought Mexico was going to pay for the whole thing.

I hate this proposal for many reasons including that Trump is using DREAMers (that he praised repeatedly during the campaign) as hostages.

And because Skeletor, I mean Stephen Miller, wants to implement the most hardcore anti-immigration policy the U.S. has ever had.

Congress would have to create a $25 billion trust fund to pay for a southern border wall, dramatically increase immigration arrests, speed up deportations, crack down on people who overstay their visas, prevent citizens from bringing their parents to the United States, and end a State Department program designed to encourage migration from underrepresented countries.

In any deal between the two parties there has to be some give and take, but not to Trump's base.

Xenophobia is their normal state.

Mark Levine calls the deal "Absolutely pathetic."

Only total surrender by the Democrats is acceptable for Trump's base.

Unfortunately, Trump always stands by his extreme members.

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