'My Button Works!' Donald Trump Needles North Korean Dictator In A Dangerous Game Of One-Upsmanship

Are we on a playground or the world stage, boys?

Today has been The Day Of Exceptionally Deranged Tweets From Donald Trump, and he did not let up tonight.

Kim Jong Un did what dictators do earlier today. Without factual foundation or anything resembling truth, the dictator publicly stated, "The entire mainland of the U.S. is within range of our nuclear weapon and the nuclear button is always on the desk of my office."

Sane and level-headed world leaders such as the ones who are supposed to be in charge of the United States would brush these claims off as the falsehoods they are, but not our "president."

Yes, that's right. Trump essentially shot back a tweet telling North Korea he can pee farther than they can.

"Will someone from his depleted regime please inform him I too have a nuclear button but it is a much bigger and more powerful one than his, and my button works," Trump tweeted.

Everything is fine. Nothing to worry about. After all, I'm sure everyone will see this for the nonsense that it is: Two boys waving their private parts at one another and claiming they're bigger than the other guy.

With nuclear weapons.

Is it coincidence that Trump escalated the pissing contest on the same evening that a New York Times op-ed suggests he is a tool of Russian money launderers and mob bosses?

I do not think so. This is deranged behavior that should warrant immediate impeachment hearings. That he would try to escalate a war of words into a nuclear confrontation should be immediate grounds for impeachment.

As Jake Tapper noted in the video, "None of this normal, none of this acceptable. none of this frankly stable behavior."

It is not behavior we can continue to tolerate.

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