Sen. Lindsey Graham Goes There On Winter Olympics
Mixing politics with the Olympics has never worked out, Goober.
Did Sen. Lindsey Graham swill down his cough medicine and alcohol laced mouthwash before telling the world that if North Korea goes to the Winter Olympics, the U.S. should boycott them?
We know that since Sen. John McCain took ill, Graham suddenly has been one of Trump's most trusted enablers and that in itself is as cowardly as it gets.
Granted, NOKO is not the Russia of the 1980's, but by boycotting those Olympics, who paid the price?
Our athletes did.
Hasn't the U.S. athlete suffered enough from moronic political decisions that have nothing to do with sports or the vigorous and dedicated lives American athletes lead to get the opportunity to represent our country?
To snuff out the years of hard work they put in is chicken-shit.
Kim Jong-un would be jumping for joy if we pulled out of the South Korean games and would make us out to be cowards in the eyes of the world.
And it would be a stupid move.