Sen. Ron Johnson: There's A 'Secret Society' In The FBI To Overthrow Trump

Did you know Jack the Ripper was a Free Mason? Maybe they are the secret society after Trump?

RoJo and Fox continue attempts to undermine the FBI and the Mueller investigation for Trump, as Johnson tells Bret Baier that an informant has told Congress of an existence of a "secret society" in the FBI and DOJ working to overthrow Trump.

Now we are in La-la land, folks.

From some private text message between two lovers at the FBI, the right-wing has created a secret plan hatched by these two agents to overthrow Trump. We have disgraced-Trump-surrogate Rep. Devin Nunes pushing a secret memo he just developed (but has refused to reveal to anybody of significance) which attempts to destroy the FBI and now this Alex Jones-type conspiracy of secret meetings of a "one-world government cabal" within the FBI.

No word on if they sacrificed any babies while performing Satanist rituals and asking the dark lord to work through them.

On Tuesday's Special Report with Bret Baier interviewed Sen. Ron Johnson about some missing texts, perpetuating their conspiracy theory that two FBI agents single-handedly created the Russia/Trump witch hunt.

After taking some time attacking the Hillary Clinton investigation, James Comey, and Loretta Lynch, the interview then got really weird.

After Sen. Johnson said that Comey conspired with Loretta Lynch not to prosecute Hillary Clinton, he then claimed to have a whistleblower within the FBI.

Sen. Johnson said, "What this is all about is further evidence of corruption, more than bias. corruption of the highest levels of the FBI. The secret society, we have an informant that's talking about a group that was holding secret meetings off-site. There is so much smoke here."

Baier jumped in, "Lets stop there. A Secret Society? Secret meetings off-site in the Justice Department."


"And you have an informant saying that?"


(Cue to play the spooky music.)

Baier asked, "Anything more about that?"

Johnson replied, "No, we have to dig into it. This is not a distraction. Again, this is bias, potentially corruption, at the highest levels of the FBI that is now investigating...

He continued, "Robert Mueller used to run the FBI. He's in no position to do an investigation over this kind of misconduct. I think at this point, we probably should be looking at a special counsel to undertake this investigation, but Congress is going to have to continue to dig."

There you have it. The real reason is to smear the FBI and as many Republicans have been calling for a new special counsel to dig and distract.

It's probably easy to say that if a few agents met for coffee somewhere, that would be their secret society, in this current disgraceful and unhinged Republican party desperately trying to stop Mueller's special counsel from doing its job.

Ed. note: Looks like Adam Schiff isn't going to play this game.

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