Trump Grouses About Missing Texts, Media And Hillary, But Says He'll (Maybe) Talk To Mueller
Don't be fooled by media excitement about his Mueller statements. That wasn't the purpose of this impromptu press conference.
Trump is pissed. So pissed he threw an impromptu press conference at the door to the chief of staff's office to tell media some things.
Media will tell you the only thing they heard was Trump saying sure, he'll meet with Mueller if his lawyer say it's okay. And yes, he did say that and no, he has no intention of actually doing something like that voluntarily but if he did he would do it because he thinks he can lie better than anyone else on the planet and pull the wool over Robert Mueller's eyes.
"There's been no collusion whatsoever!" he hurled at media gathered before him. "There's no obstruction whatsoever, and I'm looking forward to [speaking to Robert Mueller]."
He then went to the real reason he gathered all the media before him: To complain that they weren't paying attention to the ginned-up non-scandals he and Fox News had carefully concocted with some fringe right-wing media in order to distract everyone.
The "missing text" story ginned up by Fox News has already been contradicted by Fox News, but that didn't stop Trump from going on about it.
Someone should let him in on the fact that missing texts aren't unique to the two people was indeed a Samsung glitch across many FBI devices.
But...but...what WWHD? (What would Hillary do?) Trump is so obsessed with her!
Here's his exchange with a reporter asking him whether he'll testify under oath for Mueller. Pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain...
"Will you do it [testify] under oath, Mr. President?"
"You mean like Hillary did it under oath?"
"Did Hillary do it under oath?"
"I don't have any idea."
(Voice rising) "I think you have an idea. Do you really not have an idea? I'll give you an idea, s, but I would do it -- and you know she didn't do it under oath, right? If you didn't know about Hillary, then you're not much of a reporter."
"So you would do it under oath?"
"I would do it under oath, absolutely."
No, he won't. And he doesn't have to be under oath, anyway. All he has to do is lie to the FBI, oath or no oath. If he doesn't know that, he's not much of a president.
In the end, he used weasel words anyway, saying it would be whatever his lawyers would permit.
But that wasn't his purpose today. His purpose today was to muddy the waters with Hillary and missing texts.
It didn't work, and he's still furious.
UPDATE: I told you they were weasel words, didn't I?