Joe Manchin's False Equivalence: Pelosi's 'Rhetoric Just As Bad' As Trump's

Nancy Pelosi denounces White supremacy and that is framed by "Democrat" Joe Manchin as worse than Trump's campaign ad calling Democrats complicit in murder?

On Sunday's State of The Union, CNN's Jake Tapper, who is usually fair, actually tried to get Sen. Joe Manchin to condemn Nancy Pelosi for stating that Trump wants to make 'America White again.'

Trump made a hardline immigration offer last week which appeared to many to be an entire immigration reform package for all eleven million undocumented people rather than a plan for just the DREAMers.

Rep. Nancy Pelosi remarked, "While I'm on the subject of dreamers, since last night the president put forth the plans, let me just say what I said last night. That plan is a campaign to America white again."

After Tapper played the video clip he asked Sen. Joe Manchin, "Make America white again. Where do you come down, sir?"

Trump's entire base of supporters and his message has been one of white nationalism and everybody knows that.

Manchin replied, "You know what? We don't need that type of rhetoric on either side, from Nancy, Paul Ryan, or anybody else. And I come down this. The president has laid out a template. We're going to look at that template, and we're going to work with it."

The West Virginia Senator then gave a lengthy description and explanation of what he wants to see happen as Congress hopefully revisits the entire debate on Monday.

Sen., Manchin's answer was roughly one minute and thirty four seconds long and he said he didn't want to hear that "type of rhetoric on either side," but apparently that wasn't enough and Nancy needed to be properly scolded.

Tapper said, "But you -- you condemned Nancy Pelosi's rhetoric. I just have one more question for you, sir, before you have to go."

Sen. Manchin didn't let that go by unanswered.

Manchin said, "I'm not -- I'm -- I'm condemning...


Manchin continued, "I'm condemning -- I'm condemning all this crazy rhetoric that goes on.

Tapper, "OK, including..."

Manchin, "I mean, just because someone's a Republican is not -- is not my enemy. And, you know, we have to work together."

Tapper, "Got it."

Trump's campaign produced an ad that alleged that Democrats are complicit in murder because of their views on immigration.

Tapper tweeted this out: "Trump campaign web ad accusing Democrats of being “complicit” in murders committed by undocumented immigrants takes a slightly different tone from his expressed support for a “bill of Love”

Obviously, he's not a fan of the ad, but he didn't demand condemnation from anyone in the Republican party.

On The Lead With Jake Tapper that aired 1/20/18, he did ask Senator Cory Gardner, Republican of Colorado to comment on the ad, but he did not demand a condemnation of it.

On Tapper's SOTU that aired 1/21/18, his two Republican guests were Trump's OMB Directer Mick Mulvaney and Sen. Rand Paul.

Tapper never asked either of them to condemn the ad or even mentioned it that was tagged with "I'm Donald Trump and I approve this message."

On the same broadcast, he did ask Bernie Sanders to respond to it.

Now, I did use the Google to see if there were any other responses to the "murder ad" but didn't find any. I could be wrong so please correct me if I am.

I don't understand why Jake Tapper, who is not afraid to point fingers at any party used the "murder ad" as a question to R's over helping to get an immigration deal done, but condemned Pelosi's frustration with Trump's racism over the same issue.

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