Attorney General Jeff Sessions Has No More Patience For Trump's Tantrums

After Donald Trump tweeted insults while watching Fox News, Sessions struck back.

Donald Trump used his morning Executive Time to tweet hate at his Attorney General for ordering an Inspector General investigation into alleged FISA abuse in the warrants secured for Carter Page and which were the subjects of two memos from Republican and Democratic House Intelligence Committee members.

Executive Time is for tweeting, and tweet Trump did.

However, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III was not having any of it today. In a statement, he slammed the tweet, specifically mentioning his "honor and integrity." For Sessions, those two words are everything, at least insofar as he defines them.

Part of me wonders whether this is all staged conflict to distract from the fact that Sessions bowed to Trump and agreed to investigate this nonsense at all.

What would we be saying about this if he hadn't slammed Sessions?

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