Mike Barnicle Has A Genuinely Stupid Idea To Fix The Gun Problem
"I know, let's form a political action committee!"
The Republican Lifeboat Builders (tm) are working overtime on Morning Joe this year. Joe is now an "independent," and the rest of the panel is busy busy busy making "both sides" and "It's not Republicans, it's Trump" arguments just as fast as they can.
Remember, don't you dare call it Trumpism.
And this morning at least they went after Republicans. Yep, pro-NRA Republicans must go!
So let's primary them with (imaginary, but what the hell?) anti-NRA Republicans!
And get Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to help!!!
Along with that Great American, George W. Bush!
I am not making this up. Mike Barnicle talking to Montel Williams and making up a mind together.
BARNICLE: Montel, off of that, I have a proposition for you given your history, given your past. It is this. ...Take the high ground, take your weapons, and take the high ground: the high ground is easiest to defend. The weapons we have to go against the NRA are multiple. We have the vote, which, unfortunately, too many Americans don't use. We also have three really great Americans, three former presidents: Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. If you and people like you would get behind forming an organization called not the National Rifle Association, but the National Safe Gun Association. And ask Americans in order to join, donate $5 or $10 or whatever. Raise $100 million. And go primary all of these Republicans who are pro-gun.
You know, Mike Barnicle, if you'd looked outside of your own both-sider bubble, you'd have noticed an existing effort on Twitter yesterday:
We don't need another hundred-million dollar political action committee to save the jobs of your Republican friends, Mike Barnicle. We just need to vote Republicans out of office. #BurnTheLifeboats.
And how adorable that you suggest Clinton and Obama should help primary Republican candidates. That's not how this works, Mike. That's not how any of this works.
Or did you just want to sandwich the second worst president in history between two good ones, in a lifeboat trifecta for the WMD president?
Here's a simple rule that will remove the NRA from the decision making process on gun control: