Parkland Kids Travel To Tallahassee To See Legislators Refuse To Consider Assault Weapons Ban
The looks on their faces as legislators told them guns matter more than lives is heartbreaking.
One hundred students from Parkland traveled to Florida's capital today in the hopes that the state legislature would act on an assault weapons ban in the wake of the school shooting last week.
They were disappointed, as the vote to open debate -- not even a vote on the actual ban -- was voted down with 71 nays, 36 yeas, and 13 not voting.
Every nay vote came from a Republican. Every one. And they did it in the full view of students who just last week saw their friends and classmates gunned down with an AR-15, which is also what the people in Las Vegas saw, which is also what the people in Sandy Hook saw, which is also what the people in Aurora saw, and so forth.
The common thread is always the AR-15, and Florida Republicans just told those students that their lives matter less than the sweet, sweet freedom of NRA dollars.
Reaction was swift. I do not think this time is like other times. I believe that these kids and their allies are going to change the politics of guns in Florida.
Republicans can keep carrying the NRA's water and take their sweet dollars, but kids like Emma González are going to defeat them.
Expect them, Florida Republicans.