As Stocks Plummet, Trump Calls Democrats 'Treasonous' And 'UnAmerican' - UPDATED

Remember, Trump is the king of projection.

Donald Trump had a propaganda event in Ohio today where he sold his tax scam cuts while the stock market was correcting itself for his crummy stewardship. Watch the ticker in the right corner plummet while he's talking.

Even though this was not supposed to be a campaign event, it was a campaign event, where he relived everything from the "deplorable" remarks to his electoral college win and the danger of low-energy midterms before he turned to his State of the Union address.

Speaking about the moments where Democrats did not bow before him and worship him like Republicans did, Trump complained, "You have the other side, even on positive news -- really positive news -- like that. They were like...DEATH. And UnAmerican. UnAmerican," he said.

"Someone said 'treasonous.'," he continued. "Yeah, I guess, Why not? Can we call that treason? Why not?"

Huh. I looked all over to see if that was the case when Republicans sat with their arms folded for Obama's State of the Union addresses, but no, I didn't find Obama trotting out to Ohio to call them treasonous, unAmerican jerks. That is a unique and stupid Trump feature.

Ironically, as he spoke, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 1,600 points, the S&P 500 wiped out all of its gains for the year, and Trump didn't have a peep to say about it.

Collaborating with Russia to steal an election? THAT'S treasonous. Objecting to a despot's behavior? Not so much.

UPDATE: Senator Tammy Duckworth has a thing to say about that.

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