Trump 'Sad' For Rob Porter: 'Hopefully He Will Have A Great Career Ahead Of Him’

Just like a true abuser, Trump had no care for the victims, nor any mention.

There isn't much that Donald Trump could say or do that would surprise me or even disgust me more than I already am, but he unlocked that achievement today during an impromptu press opportunity at the White House.

I'm just going to put his statement here:

"We wish him well. he worked very hard. "I found out about it recently, and I was surprised by it. but we certainly wish him well. It's obviously a tough time for him. He did a very good job when he was in the White House, and we hope he has a wonderful career, and hopefully he will have a great career ahead of him. but it was very sad when we heard about it, and certainly he's also very sad now."

"He also, as you probably know, he says he's innocent, and I think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that he's innocent. so you'll have to talk to him about that. But we absolutely wish him well. He did a very good job while he was at the White House."

Dana Bash and Dancin' Dave Gregory were on hand to comment, and they noticed the same thing I did. There's no mention of the victims, not even acknowledgment that they ARE victims. Indeed, Trump actually suggests they're lying.

Because that is what abusers do. They call women with black eyes liars while lying through their tiny little teeth about what it is they do to women that cause those black eyes to appear.

In case you missed it, Porter explained that the black eye happened while they were fighting over a vase and suddenly it hit his ex-wife in the eye. Sort of like the door she magically walked into or the stairs she magically fell down. On her eyes.

Steve Bannon, Andrew Puzder, Rob Porter, all Corey Lewandowski have been close to Trump and also put their hands on women. It's not hard to figure out who is lying and who isn't.

Twitter reacted alongside me. While I was shouting for him to be damned to the pits of the ninth circle of hell, others had thoughts.

Yeah, this isn't even a "both sides" moment, given that the only one Trump gives a fck about is the wife-beater. I hope his eternal fate involves women mocking him forever and ever, amen.

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