WH Spox Raj Shah Can't Decide If He Will Ask Trump About Stormy Daniels Payoff

Stormy Daniels may be a "hot" topic in the White House, but the question deserved a better answer than this.

Today's White House press briefing was a combination of infuriating, lying wonkery, outright lies, and one moment of amusement.

Rather than amplify the lies, I've chosen to bring you the amusing moment when ABC correspondent Jon Karl asked Raj Shah whether the president was aware and approved of his lawyer paying off Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet before the election.

"Is the president aware that his lawyer paid that kind of money to a porn star for her silence and does he approve of that?"

Raj Shah shot back, "I haven't asked him about it, but that matter has been asked and answered."

So, wait a second there, Raj. You haven't asked him about it but he has been asked about it and that matter has been asked and answered? Whaaaat?

Karl reminded Shah that this is the first chance they've had to ask about it, so would Shah be so kind as to go back and ask about it?

Duck and cover. Here's what followed:

KARL: "Can you go back and find out if the president approves of the fact that his personal -- SHAH: I haven't asked him about that.
KARL: Will you ask him about that?
SHAH: I haven't asked him about that
KARL: Can you ask him about it?
SHAH: I'll get back to you.

In other words....Stormy Who?

It is so pathetic that any time in these briefings is spent on a porn star payoff during the campaign, but with the sleaze we have in the White House, it's inevitable.

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