Alex Jones Rages At Political Enemies: 'Why Don't You Hang Yourselves Tonight?'
Alex is having a really bad week. He should seek help.
You know, I'm just leaving this here because I'm pretty sure that Alex Jones is about to do something completely evil and whack and I am grateful his wife has custody of their children.
This man is not well. He needs some help. Right now.
During a rant on his "show" Wednesday, Jones lost his cookies.
"I just want you to know Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, the globalists, Michael Moore, Lord [Jacob] Rothschild, the Rockefellers, all of them: Listen up," he ordered.
Okay, then, we're on the anti-Semitic fascist hate-the-Jews train already with the reference to "globalists" and the Rothschilds.
Jones has some psychobabble to share.
"You hate everybody because you hate yourself. You’re filth. You’re garbage," he spewed. "So you want us to all exterminate ourselves and depopulate?"
Actually, my preference would be that God just issued a cleansing lightning bolt that took them all out even if they're not near one another. Just like that, and then the wingnuts can say that Jesus is about to return. I don't hate Alex Jones, I just think he's a small-dicked little man who has to talk big to stroke his...ego.
"I got an idea," he said. "How about you slit your own throat or jam some ice picks in your own eyes? How about you hang yourself tonight? Because if you want us to die, I say you need to die first. I curse you."
Oh. I feel so cursed!
I do have a question, though. At what point is a line crossed from free speech to hate speech? Jones' little rant here sounds a whole lot like hate speech, not just the whackadoodle meanderings of a hateful little man sitting in his bunker clutching his guns, sweating with fear because the children refuse to be cannon fodder anymore.
At what point is he calling violence down on real people's heads because he's not man enough to just own his own viewpoint and accept that others reject it?
He is a pathetic little man sitting in Austin sweating the bullets he'd like to bite as a demonstration of his awesome manhood.
Take your shirt off, Alex and sit in your puddle of tears while the adults move on with our lives.