Ann Coulter Now Thinks Former BFF Trump Is An ‘Ignoramus’
The author of "In Trump We Trust" is distancing herself from Donald because her Wall isn't getting built. Also because she needs the money.
First up, let's not forget that Ann Coulter is building a lifeboat for herself and her brand that she can walk away from her part in electing Donald Trump without a scratch.
And her over-the-top freak out about the spending bill is definitely causing some Trumpsters to question their loyalty. They've masturbated to so many Coulter book jackets, how can they think rationally about actual immigration policy?
Just kidding "The Wall" isn't about immigration -- it's about White Supremacy -- everybody knows that.
And Ann Coulter's "career" must survive Donald Trump. Coulter isn't stupid: she knows Trump's presidency is an utter failure and will fail long before she can collect whatever retirement savings she's got (nine more years, Ann, hang in there).
And we will never forgive MSNBC for giving "In Trump We Trust" free advertising. What the hell:
And Trump's so-called presidency just hasn't delivered on that monument to White supremacy fast enough.
Because it's a stupid idea that will accomplish nothing and can't be built? No, it's that Donald Trump has changed! (sniff)
And so Ann Coulter runs to her TV daddy and bigoted Wall building mentor Lou Dobbs to whine about what a bad boyfriend Donald Trump turned out to be. (Yeah, I think maybe Ann is a little jealous of all the attention Stormy Daniels is getting. Face it, Ann, there are some very sexist and ageist rules in conservative media and Trump's White House. Stormy is a pretty 39. You're whatever "that" is at 56. Your book covers are the conservative dorm room splooge rags they once were. Moving on.)
We've always known Ann Coulter is a mean girl. Who knew Lou Dobbs could play one, too?
Partial Transcript:
ANN COULTER: A switch changed with him. An elegant person wouldn’t have said the things he was saying. It was precisely that he was so coarse that allowed him to say these incredibly courageous things. He didn’t care what Manhattan elites thought of him.
Now all he wants is for Goldman Sachs to like him. I don’t know what happened. But that’s a different president. I haven’t changed. He has.
LOU DOBBS: Affirmation complexes are never attractive and unfortunately I believe there is some truth to the fact that there are those in the White House who would like to guide him toward this liberal fantasy that is a nightmare for America and has proved to be such for our middle class which has been dwindling for the past 20 years. Under this president, they’re starting to grow and money is starting to come in and we’re starting to see housing prices rise.”
COULTER: Everything gets better with a wall and deportations. Immigration makes everything easier. Entitlements, the drug problem, theft of government… He needs a few other people in the White House who don’t oppose everything he said about immigration in the campaign.
Maybe Ann Coulter thinks since John Bolton is a Trump hire, she should be, too?
I think that's a bridge too far even for Trump.
Editors' Note: Transgender jokes will get an immediate suspension from comments.