Anthony Scaramucci: Trump Is 'Presidential Because He Is The President'

Could the bar be set any lower?

During Trump's bizarre rally in Pennsylvania last night, President Pussygrabber told the crowd that they'd all be really bored if, heaven forbid, he ever decided to act "presidential."

President Trump on Saturday responded to criticism of his behavior as president, saying people would be bored if he were always presidential.

At a campaign rally in Pennsylvania for Republican House candidate Rick Saccone, Trump responded to a Wall Street Journal article that asked if he is "a good speaker?"

"You know, how easy it is to be presidential? But you'd be so bored because I could stand up, right?" Trump said to applause.

Trump then launched into an impression of a more formal politician, appearing stiffer and speaking somewhat nasally.

"I'm very presidential. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here tonight. Rick will be a great, great congressman. He will help me very much. He's a fine man and Yong is a wonderful wife. I just want to tell you on behalf of the United States of America that we appreciate your service. We appreciate your service," Trump said in his more "presidential" voice.

"See, that's easy. That's much easier than doing what I have to do. But this is much more effective. If I came like a stiff, you guys wouldn't be here tonight," he said as himself again.

During a panel segment on CNN's State of the Union, host Jim Acosta played a portion of Trump's nonsense and asked former Trump spokesperson, Anthony Scaramucci, "What kind of example does that set?" and his response was laughable, but so is the fact that the producers of the show believe he has anything of value to contribute to the discussion in the first place.

SCARAMUCCI: I mean that's because you're, again, this is the mistake everybody's making about him, okay. He's obviously very presidential but he's also --

ACOSTA: In what way?

SCARAMUCCI: What are you talking about? Let's go to the North Korean situation. I think he's breaking new presidential ground in the North Korea situation.

TANDEN: I think that could be good or bad.

SCARAMUCCI: Okay, well, you may think it's bad but guess what? I happen to think it's very good. This is an opportunity now to denuclearize the peninsula -- hold on. (crosstalk) Hold On. You guys are asking me the question.

CARPENTER: Just because he's president, not everything he does is presidential.

SCARAMUCCI: You guys don't like -- you don't like his style. but he's making a very big point. I'm trying to help out my Democratic friends here. You're underestimating the guy.

SELLERS: If Barack Obama --

ACOSTA: You're taking the bait again.

SELLERS: If Barack Obama paid off a porn star, $130 thousand, if he cheated on three wives,I mean, the list goes on and on. If he had a handful of advisers that were either indicted or plead guilty, then there would be pitchforks in front of the White House. Presidential is not something that's associated with Donald Trump.

SCARAMUCCI: Bakari, with all due respect --

ACOSTA: This is a good segue.

SCARAMUCCI: He's going to win again in 2020. We may have to get a couch in here for some of you people.

CARPENTER: What is this kind of talk that if you raise an objection, you don't like him, you need a therapist, get on the couch?

SELLERS: But you can't rebut anything that I said about being presidential.

SCARAMUCCI: I actually can. Let's talk about it, okay?

Scaramucci also did his best to try to pretend that Cohen's lawyer just forked out that $130,000 to a porn star out of the goodness of his heart.

SELLARS: Paying off a porn star is presidential?

SCARAMUCCI: He didn't pay off a porn star.

TANDEN: His lawyer did. (crosstalk)

ACOSTA: You cannot say definitively that he did not pay off Stormy Daniels.

SCARAMUCCI: Hold on a second. Michael Cohen can say that definitively.

ACOSTA: Why was that payment made?

SCARAMUCCI: Michael Cohen has been on the record definitively saying, you got to ask Michael Cohen why the payment was paid. But it was paid by Michael Cohen with Michael Cohen's money and so at the end of the day I would be very careful if i was stormy Daniels --

ACOSTA: There's a side agreement with the president's signature on it. (crosstalk)

SELLERS: That's not presidential though.

SCARAMUCCI: You guys are all over the map. Let's bring it back in. The guy is presidential because he is the president --

CARPENTER: No, that's not how it works.

SCARAMUCCI: That is how it works.

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