'Christian' Broadcaster Defends President P*ssygrabber: 'He's Been A Buzz Saw On Evangelical Issues'

Katy Tur nearly laughed in his face before she exposed him for the hypocrite he is.

Christian Broadcasting Network's David Brody gave Katy Tur a few minutes of his time on Monday to make the moral relativist case for why evangelicals support Donald Trump. It was -- bar none -- the most coherent display of Christian hypocrisy I have ever seen.

Tur laid the foundation with a question about Mark Sanford's criticism of Trump and his relationship with Stormy Daniels while evangelicals give him another Mulligan.

Brody danced around and said, well, if a Stormy Daniels thing happened in 2018, they'd be bothered, but 2006, 2007 is no big deal because they believe in grace.

Sure they do. Katy Tur saw through that right away and pushed back, mocking him.

"You think suddenly now Donald Trump going on stage and calling someone an S.O.B. or calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas and now there is a line he can't cross with evangelicals," she asked incredulously.

Brody insisted there is no upside for him to continue with the vulgarities and the insults, pointing out that Trump "has been so successful when it comes to policies that -- in terms of what -- the terms of the way evangelicals see the world, whether the embassy in Jerusalem, Gorsuch and he's been successful and a evangelical adviser said what is on tap for the 2018 and they looked at me and said what is left?"

"The guy has been a buzz saw when it comes to evangelical issues in 2017," Brody added.

Behold the moral relativist at work. Because policies have pandered to evangelicals, the rest doesn't matter. I guess he should get an attaboy for admitting it.

Tur pounced. "Why did he get a pass in the first place? Just because evangelicals wanted their agenda done and they would take any sort of person to do it for them? It didn't matter whether or not that person embodied their values?"

Brody's answer was honest, and infuriating, and based on a lie. "Evangelicals are not going to get behind a candidate like Hillary Clinton who supported partial birth abortion and Donald Trump was the pro-life candidate and he's fulfilled that in 2017," he insisted. "I know that shocks a lot of people but that is what evangelicals are going to do -- we're talking about people of faith."

Tur stopped that line in its tracks, Raising her voice over his, she hammered him with his own hypocrisy.

"I could vote for Donald Trump who has three divorces, who said vulgar things, who has had numerous affairs and bragged about -- has bragged about grabbing women by the genitals," she mocked. "Bragged about it on tape and yet Hillary Clinton is the more -- morally hard to swallow candidate than Donald Trump?"

Wrapping it up, Brody insisted that Christians see both as sinners but Trump is THEIR sinner so he gets a pass while she gets vilified.

After conceding that both are flawed humans, he weakly added, "At that point you have to go with the macro and that is the way they defend -- defend it on moral terms."

In other words, they are moral relativists, the thing they condemn from the pulpit. Another word for that is...hypocrite.

It's exchanges like these that will lead to the taxation of churches, because there is no longer any pretense of separation of church and state. None whatsoever.

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