'Commie Scum, We're Going To Burn Down Your Bookstore!' - MAGAts Threaten Berkeley Business Owner

Can pogroms be far behind?

Revolution Bookstore in Berkeley, CA is the kind of bookstore one might expect to find there. It is small, is owned by a far-left self-proclaimed "revolutionary," run mostly by volunteers, and sponsors events like the one taking place tonight entitled "Break the Chains! Unleash the Fury of Women As a Mighty Force for Revolution!"

It is also a target for repeated right-wing harassment; specifically, Trump supporters aiming their venom at store staff and owners for not letting them in.

This video from a March 4th confrontation offers some insight into why store staff would not allow them to enter the store -- a private business.

The video began with Lauren White aka Lauren Order challenging Reiko Redmonde's belief that supporting Trump is supporting racism. When Redmonde affirmed that belief, the two protesters let loose on her.

"F*cking Commie scum,” MAGA demonstrator Rob Cantrall spat at the volunteer store manager, who was barring him from entering. “You are commie scum. We are going to burn down your bookstore. You know that, right?”

White had written about their intentions to "infiltrate Berkeley's Marxist Hive" on Facebook, tagging friends Rob Cantrall, along with Jacob Ku. Other MAGAts Alexandra Davis, Jourdin Davis, and James Ian were also there, according to a report on Berkeleyside.

This is not the first time the bookstore has been targeted. After Milo Yiannopoulis called them out during his "Free Speech Week" a year ago, right wing activists made it their business to harass the owners.

Watch the MAGAts harass people for exercising their right to free speech above and ask yourself how much longer it will be until they actually start carrying out their threats.

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