At Fundraiser, Trump Says Conor Lamb Claimed He Was 'Like Trump'

Donald Trump is a pathological liar who just told a blatant lie to get donors to open their checkbooks. Shocking, I know.

There are some things that are unspinnable. A 20-point swing toward Democrats in a gerrymandered district is one, and no matter how Republicans spin it, it's bad. Really bad for Republicans.

All day long Trump managed not to rage-tweet or pollute the California airwaves while he was here until he left for Missouri and a fundraiser in St. Louis.

While in St. Louis, he told donors, "The young man last night that ran, he said 'oh, I'm like Trump. Second amendment, everything. I love the tax cuts, everything.'"

"He ran on that basis," Trump further claimed. "I said is he a Republican? He sounds like a Republican to me."

He then told his rich donors that "when you're running in a certain area that's probably a good tactic."

Conor Lamb ran hard against the abominable tax cuts.

Conor Lamb ran on expanded background checks.

Here, here's a full list:

And as Democrat activist Melissa Byrne wrote in response, "If this is conservative, my work here is done."

But my gawd, the lies, the gaslighting. Donald Trump demands that people suspend all of their reality and just sink into the lie and illusion. I wonder if he actually has the ability to discern fact from fiction.

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