John King Builds A 'Both Sides' Lifeboat For House Intel Republicans

You can always tell a both-siderist lifeboat-building douchebag liar when they blame "Washington" or "Congress" for the "mess."

We've been talking about this on The Professional Left Podcast for over a year now. A prediction that the mainstream media will build any number of lifeboats for congressional Republicans so they can "sail away" from Donald Trump as the Trump's political ocean liner sinks to the bottom of the sea.

Dead giveaways for a lifeboat builder

There are some dead giveaways in spotting these media douchebags. First up is someone who uses the term "Trumpism" as a political movement separate from the Republican Party. (See "Don't You Dare Call It Trumpism," which I wrote in August of The Year of our Lord Two Thousand and Sixteen. Yes, I saw this coming.) A Corrolary to the "Trumpism" lifeboat is when a reporter talks about "both sides" when what they're really talking about is a specific congressional Republican whose primary interest is defending Trump and leaking to Fox News. Note how rarely Fox News is ever mentioned on other networks, but providing content for Fox News is the primary reason Republican investigations happen, and that has been true for years.

Secondly, using the term "Washington" or "Congress" when what you really mean is "Republicans."

And finally, and most egregiously, flat-out blaming Democrats for calling foul when Republicans abuse the process. (AKA "Why Won't Obama Lead?")

And today's example comes, predictably, from CNN's John King, a master lifeboat builder. Let's watch him perform a trifecta: He ignores Nune's covering for Trump, uses the term "Congress" when he means Republicans, and blames Democrats on the House Intel committee for "dysfunction."

Lifeboats away! (Transcript)

KING: I know we live in a hyperpolarized world. Is it not possible to get 15 to 20 people on a bipartisan basis to get in a room and say, this is actually very important for our country. Did Russia try to meddle in the elections? If so, can we come to a bipartisan conclusion? Is that possible?

On this issue, no, it's not possible.

Look, and I think you heard from Congressman Rooney -- why do it at all is my question? If it's a waste of taxpayers' time and money, why bother?

If there is a positive thing to take from the report, as partisan as it will be on
both sides

, it will be 150 pages on protecting the next election. There is a recognition of what's to happen in 2018 and people need to take it seriously and pay attention to it and perhaps that ball has been dropped up to this point. Anybody who has been paying attention to the House Intelligence Committee over the course of the last, I don't know, 14 months, 12 months, knew how this was was going to end. I think this spells out the importance.

....Adam Schiff at the start of the investigation on "Meet the Press" said 'I see evidence of collusion. Even if you don't, get to the investigation.'

...It was politicized and weaponized in the House Committee somewhat on
both sides

and that's why things fell apart, because you get this lack of trust between
the two parties.

What it also reveals is when it comes to Trump or Russia, there's two sides. You're either for him or against him. I think Republicans recognize that President Trump is not going to look kindly on anyone who gives an inch on this Russia issue, and that's why we are where we are. The Mueller probe is important because that's about legality, and I think at the end of the day, this is what it will all come down to.

On the Oversight committee, wasn't

allegiance to the facts, not the President? I'm going to go find the mud pits. Thanks for joining us for "Inside Politics." we'll be with you throughout the election tonight.

When you see this kind of violation of journalistic ethics and decency, the agreed-to hashtag is #BurnTheLifeboats.

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