Kamala Harris Blasts Sessions: He's 'Mired In Going Back In Time' To Slave Days
California Senator Kamala Harris explained a few things to Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III.
During his ridiculous speech to law enforcement officers today in Sacramento, Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III compared California to the secessionist slave states of the Civl War.
"There is no nullification. There is no secession," Sessions warned. "Federal law is the supreme law of the land."
Throwing down the gauntlet, he continued, "I would invite any doubters to go to Gettysburg or to the tombstones of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln."
Governor Jerry Brown was not impressed with Sessions' fist-shaking, nor was Senator Kamala Harris, who joined Chris Hayes to chat about Sessions lawsuit, threats, and general attitude.
She had a message for JBS: "Listen, as far as I'm concerned, Jeff Sessions should be advised and I'll advise him right now that it's a bad idea for him to start talking about anything to do with the history of slavery or reconstruction or the Civil War in the United States," she said. "His credibility is pretty much shot on those issues."
Ouch. Of course, she's absolutely right. He has absolutely no standing -- none whatsoever --
to speak on those topics.
She went on to tell Chris Hayes that Jerry Brown was right when he said Sessions has "clearly put a target on the back of California, and California's going to fight."
"And I think that these folks are really mired in rolling back the clock in time and that's not going to happen," Harris vowed. "California represents the future. And they don't like it, but there you go."
It also represents one of the most economically solid states of the union, whether Sessions likes it or not. It's a real mistake for this administration to take us on, especially over this. Does anyone remember all the Southern states whining and railing about the Affordable Care Act, where they got free money for giving their residents health care and decided that was a terrible, awful thing because the Black guy wanted them to do it?
Yeah, don't talk to California about states' rights and expect us to take it seriously. And don't bring your bigots to town to stir the pot. No one wants you here.