Mike's Blog Round Up
Your liberal blog post links for Saturday...
Lengthier Items for the Weekend Edition: Slacktivist examines "Billy and the Bolsheviks", continuing yesterday's Billy James Hargis theme. My solution? Tax the hell out of the churches!!
Media Environment: Sinclair Broadcast Group spews "fake news" & mongers fear like nobody's business, then forces its anchors to complain about "fake news", noted by Mustang Bobby.
First Amendment Environment: The Mahablog on elite attitudes about free speech. ("Shut the Bleep Up", if you couldn't guess.) This too: "If You Truly Care About Speech, You Will Invite Me to Your Office to Personally Call You a Dipshit", from Alex Pareene.
Educator Mitchell Robinson at Eclectablog on the "stunning hypocrisy" of that simply awful Betsy DeVos person, who apparently hasn't set foot in a working classroom since she was in elementary school.
Funny, but few feel Trump meeting Kim will work well. (No link, just an observation.)
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: It's been determined that there is now enough daylight that we may stop conserving it, so spring those clocks ahead by an hour overnight!
M. Bouffant did this. He does other stuff elsewhere.