Rep. Matt Gaetz: Shut Mueller Down, Investigate 'FBI Secret Cabal' Instead
What was Gaetz drinking this time?
Matt Gaetz left Anderson Cooper either wanting a drink or wondering what Gaetz was drinking during his appearance Monday evening on CNN's AC360.
Gaetz spent an inordinate amount of air time bringing up old, debunked conspiracy theories to argue that there is a secret FBI cabal out to get Donald Trump.
As evidence, he told Cooper all about Lisa Page and Peter Strzok again. “You’ve got two people texting in real-time about an investigation of the president of the United States and a presidential candidate like Hillary Clinton,” he argued. “So again it’s a reasonable question to wonder why people at the FBI were referencing a secret society. Why there may have not been some formal incarnation of that, you may have had the very formal cabal that he referenced working against the president.”
Woooo, whatever he was drinking (or snorting) was way more powerful than the hooch that got him arrested in 2008. Wow. That's some strong delusion potion there.
Anderson Cooper corrected him on the whole cabal thing, reminding him that it was a "lighthearted remark" made in jest, and maybe it would be good for Gaetz to acknowledge that.
Alas, no. Gaetz stressed that it "“may very well be you had an informal cabal functioning in secret.”
Take another whiff before you swallow, Rep. Gaetz. That's some heady stuff.
“That sounds like a massive conspiracy theory,” Cooper retorted.
This guy satisfying his attention-seeking needs on cable television means audiences are treated to ridiculous claims because Republican representatives have no problem saying the dumbest things on television just to distract viewers from actual true things. It's pretty standard fare, and Gaetz just has fewer morals than most and so carries it off better. The best thing CNN and the other cables could do is simply refuse to put this guy and his claptrap on the air, but alas, they pretend it's serious instead.
Which is why Anderson Cooper wrapped things up by asking, “So just to be clear, you want to shut down the special counsel Robert Mueller who’s investigating the president but create a new special counsel to investigate a special cabal or secret society at the highest levels of the FBI?”
“Correct,” Gaetz replied.
Had they pre-screened Gaetz and asked this question ahead of time, they could simply have either had him tested for substance abuse or refused to put him on the air. As it is, he's now successfully breathed the newest Fox News talking point into the CNN oxygen, leaving viewers gasping for air.