Huckabee Sanders Runs From Reporters' Gun Policy Questions
She's running from the truth, but it will catch up to them anyway.
Today's White House press briefing was all about the ridiculous NRA-engineered gun policy Trump dropped on Sunday night when he hoped no one was looking.
It's not so much a policy statement as it is a statement of agreement that Donald Trump is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Rifle Association and gun manufacturers.
The press briefing, therefore, was all about that. And reporters were in no mood to be ignored.
After a rocky start and no indication that reporters wished to drop the subject, Huckabee Sanders was on the ropes when she was faced with a reporter tossing Trump's own words back at him.
"The president during himself the campaign said nobody knows the system better than me, which is why i alone can fix it," the reporter began. It sounds like now you're saying that because certain things that he supports does not have support in the Congress that he's only going to push forward on the things that are already --"
Sanders lost her patience, scolding the reporter for continuing "to misunderstand and misrepresent" her comments, before equivocating some more.
Poor Sarah. So misunderstood. With a sigh, she explained it one more time, as if repackaging the dog poop would somehow change the fact that it's dog poop.
Trump is basically proposing no legislation whatsoever, choosing instead to appoint a toothless commission to "study" the problem, as if we don't know what it is. The problem is the guns. That's what it's been in every one of these events, and it's what it is now. Simple as that. It's the guns.
On and on she went, until she was asked. "It's not clear whether the president supports having universal background checks...Can you tell us whether or not he does support the idea of background checks for online purchases and private sales?"
Another non-answer to the effect that Trump supports "fixing some of the problems within the background check system."
The next reporter up pinned Trump on this tweet:
"I've looked at every single poll and the support for raising the minimum age is 78% to 82%. Rasmussen was the lowest with 76%, she said, "What is he talking about?"
Sanders huffed, "He's talking about Congress who has the ability to make law, not on polls."
As the reporter pressed in on this, Sanders dodged and weaved, before slamming her briefing book shut and running as fast as she could out of the room.
We know who pulls Trump's strings, and it's not the people. It's the gun manufacturers and the tools they use in the NRA and ALEC to keep people scared and dead.