Terrified Alex Jones Warns Viewers: March For Our Lives Protests Are Plot To Kill Gun Owners

Also, Jones thinks the country was founded on the Second Amendment!

Alex Jones is afraid, very afraid. He just watched hundreds of thousands of students, teachers, parents -- all of whom are angry, concerned citizens -- march and call for an end to the sale of AR-15s along with sensible gun laws.

Jones is a reliable NRA mouthpiece, so he had some things to tell his audience this morning, and he did.

"[W]e are then treated to a half-a-million young people led by their teachers, led by their professors, led by the breakaway government of government employees marching to have the constitutional right that the country was founded on and that actually started the Revolutionary War -- marching to declare gun owners the enemy and marching to declare that they would confiscate all of our guns and kill anyone that did not turn them in."

This is not at all what they were marching for, but let's unpack the part just before that "marching to declare" clause. Where is Jones getting the whole thing about the Second Amendment being the "constitutional right the country was founded on," again? Also the part about the second amendment starting the Revolutionary War. That's novel and new.

Last time I looked, there were issues with taxation of the colonies without any representation in England, and that prompted a rebellion. Yet Jones just casually dropped that entire blob of nonsense on the table without any explanation and his scared audience of men hyped on testosterone and gunmetal will eat it up.

He continued, "We’ve got the signs, we’ve got the speeches, we’ve got videos from around the country, not just in D.C., with people running for office, for the office of sheriff and other offices saying, “Sure, you’re not going to turn your guns in? We’re going to kill you.” And of course congressmen going and speaking at town halls saying, 'Time to use the Second Amendment against Trump.'"

Wow, that was some sleight-of-hand right there and someone should call out the liar Jones for it. The one who threatened to use Second Amendment rights against a political opponent was...Trump.

That's right. No one has said that about Trump, but he giggled and grinned his way through a threat against Hillary. Please proceed, Alex.

"This is a real move by the globalists," Jones said, invoking the neo-Nazi insinuation against Jews, "By the left, by George Soros, who has successfully overthrown countless countries including Ukraine, to pull off the same thing here in the United States."

Interesting that he pointed out Ukraine, the sovereign country that Putin invaded, an invasion which has been ruled a crime by international courts. Alex Jones has incorporated some loaded imagery and intentional propaganda into the normal histrionics anytime someone rises up and says the NRA is not our Supreme Leader.

But what really comes through is the naked fear Jones oozes. He's afraid of real "small-d" democracy, of kids and their parents and their teachers.

It's just beginning Alex. Suit up.

(h/t Media Matters)

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