Tucker Carlson Slams Trump's Due Process Remarks: 'We'd Be Talking Impeachment' If Obama Said That

Somehow Tucker survived the rapid onset of intellectual honesty in time to rehabilitate himself.

The pain in Tucker Carlson's face was obvious tonight as he had to admit that Saint Donnie the Trump had made a terrible, terrible error in yesterday's meeting when he said, "Take the guns first, go through due process second."

Of course, that's because we all know entire bodies would be lit on fire if President Obama had said anything close to that, which Tucker was forced to admit.

After noting that Trump also went after Republicans for being tools of the NRA, Tucker asked, "Now, I mean, how honest do you want to be? Imagine if Barack Obama had said that? Just ignore due process and start confiscating guns?"

"Obama would have been denounced as a dictator," he admitted.

"We would have denounced him first, trust me. Congress would be talking impeachment. Some would be muttering about secession," Carlson said.

Well yeah, just like they actually did, every time President Obama proposed the teeniest tweaks to the current gun laws. Ridiculous, almost meaningless tweaks.

But no worries, Tucker, Trump has it all under control. He and Pence (sans Mother, presumably) took a meeting with NRA president Christopher Cox and they hugged it out. The NRA, that organization which Trump said Senators feared but which he fears more, let him know what they all will do about guns. Nothing.

Trump confirms: Nothing.

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