'You're Punishing People': Dana Loesch Sad About NRA Losing The Battle To (Finally) Regulate Guns

Of course, she made sure to appear on Fox and Friends so Donald Trump could see her complain during his Executive Time.

There is something remarkable happening with regard to the gun debate right now. Up to now, NRA spokescritter Dana Loesch has been pretty effective when it comes to making her points about how terrible it will be for young hunters not to be able to buy their AR-15s and other assorted firearms.

But not this time.

Here is Loesch, crying to her Fox & Friends audience about how "punished" young gun owners will be by corporate decisions to limit sales to people over 21.

"It doesn’t make for great policy for keeping our kids safe,” Loesch said. “There’s a way that you can respect and protect due process and protect the rights of millions of Americans while also hardening our schools and keeping kids safe.”

Hardening our schools. There's the talking point, spoken by Trump, LaPierre, and Loesch. It sounds so general, but what they want to do is put armed teachers in schools and turn them into prisons, which isn't such a great idea as it turns out.

As is Loesch's wont, she turned the NRA and all those "good guys with guns" into a tale of woe. Woe is the young prospective gun buyer who is now being punished!

Loesch's baseless claim: “This is why it is inconceivable to millions of American families why they’re the ones being punished for the failures of government.”

She went on to distract the audience by rambling on about the firearm finding its way onto school grounds after missed calls, as if somehow the gun still isn't the problem. It's the same argument they always make about people being the problem, not the gun. As if the person having access to a gun that mangles people and tears them inside out is never the problem.

Loesch whined, “You’re punishing people like I was when I was 20 years old, living on my own. You’re punishing the 19-year-old deer hunter who just is looking forward to deer season. Those are the people that you’re punishing here.”

Dana Loesch, welcome to your new reality. Get used to being the ones punished, because every single parent who has lost their child to gunfire in school is tired of your complaints.

The dam is broken. Yesterday the Illinois House passed a package of gun control bills now headed for Governor Rauner's desk, which included strict licensing requirements for gun dealers and a bump stock ban.

This happened in Maine:

It's going to happen over and over again because everyone but Dana Loesch, Wayne LaPierre and Donald Trump knows that they don't want more bodies in schools and they don't think anyone needs to own an AR-15 but people under 21 certainly don't need to own them.

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