COMEY MEMO: Trump Said Putin Told Him Russia 'Had Most Beautiful Hookers In The World'

Of course, that was a lie on Trump's part, as David Frum explained. There are lots of little tidbits in the memos, none of them helpful to Donald Trump.

After Republican yahoos in the House (looking at YOU, Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan) pressured Rod Rosenstein to turn over James Comey's memos, the DOJ finally obliged. Within a couple of hours, the memos were in the hands of reporters and out in the wild.

For the most part, there isn't much in them we don't already know, with a couple of exceptions. In the March 30, 2017 memo, Comey says Reince Preibus asked him outright if there was a FISA warrant on Michael Flynn, a question he answered but which was redacted.

There is chatter about emails, and whether the Clinton campaign handled it well. Preibus said they should have celebrated Comey's final announcement, but that it wasn't the Russians' fault that she didn't campaign in Michigan and it wasn't Comey's fault she set up her email the way she did. Comey, of course, jumped on that with a nod, saying it wasn't his fault that Huma Abedin forwarded emails to Anthony Weiner's computer too. Always looking for absolution on that one, isn't he?

But there was also this. Trump, while speaking to Comey, is very distressed about the hookers and the golden showers report.

"The President said 'the hookers thing' is nonsense," Comey wrote. "But Putin had told him "we have some of the most beautiful hookers in the world." Comey went on to note that Trump didn't say when Putin told him that and Comey didn't recall something which is redacted.

As David Frum explains on The Last Word, Putin never said that to Trump. He said it on television as part of an interview, and Trump heard it, internalized it, and made it a thing Putin had said directly to him. Let it sink in that Trump was watching a Putin interview so intently that he internalized a piece of it and turned it into his own story. Weird.

In other words, he lied to the then-Director of the FBI, because all Trump knows how to do is lie, bitch, moan, and lie some more.

After the memos were leaked, Trump tweeted this bit of nonsense:

Clearly he hasn't actually read the memos and is instead relying on his handlers to pet him and tell him it's going to be all right as he guzzles Diet Pepsi and flips between Fox 'News" and Fox Business. But you, gentle reader, are different. And you can read all the memos yourselves.

Here they are, for your reading pleasure and so you can be smarter than the orange shitgibbon in the Oval Office. If you don't feel like reading them, you can listen to Jason read them for you.

Comey Memos by Karoli on Scribd

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