Fox 'News' Is Conflicted Over Hannity Relationship With Michael Cohen
There should be no question that Sean Hannity has stepped outside the bounds of what is acceptable, but this is Fox "News," after all.
Fox "News" is circling the wagons around their primetime star and Number One Trump Cheerleader, Sean Hannity.
On today's edition of The Five, Greg Gutfeld dismissed it as a whole lot of nothing, with a side of "blue check comrades'" glee.
Juan Williams, on the other hand, had concerns that Hannity never disclosed their relationship.
And Hannity himself seems quite conflicted about what the nature and depth of the relationship is. After the news broke that he was the Mystery Client, Hannity tweeted that it was no big deal, he just asked Cohen some questions.
Yet, Hannity insisted that his name be kept secret, and that Cohen's lawyers fight tooth and nail to keep his name out of the proceedings, which shouldn't be such a big deal if he was just asking some questions and getting some answers, right?
So on one hand, Hannity is saying that he has no interest in the case, that his relationship with Cohen is casual, and that he doesn’t need to be involved in the ongoing legal proceedings. But then at the same time, Cohen’s lawyers are aggressively trying to keep the relationship between the two quiet — which begs the question why if, as Hannity said, “Michael Cohen never represented me in any matter.”
To make matters worse, Hannity had been previously doing his utmost to defend Cohen and criticize the FBI’s decision to raid the lawyer’s home and offices last week — all without disclosing that Cohen was his lawyer.
Maybe Judge Jeanine can clear the whole thing up! Hannity's show tonight ought to be...interesting, to say the least.