Infowars Flack Bravely Defends Russian Oligarchs Stopped By Mueller Team At Airports

Suddenly it's terrible for Robert Mueller to...investigate?

Here's a news item that was buried in the maelstrom of news swirling around this week. Robert Mueller has been stopping Russian oligarchs when they drop into the United States with subpoenas and search warrants for their phones and electronic devices.

According to a CNN report, investigators are looking for evidence as to "whether wealthy Russians illegally funneled cash donations directly or indirectly into Donald Trump's presidential campaign and inauguration."

Owen Shroyer, who is apparently an Alex Jones/Infowars guy, is at least as stupid as Alex Jones. I will never understand why people listen to this stuff. Common sense should cause everyone's needle on the Richter Scale of Stupid Paranoia to go off the charts.

In this episode, Shroyer flips a verbal middle finger at Robert Mueller on his "family show" before launching a rant about how mean and unfair Mueller is to Russian oligarchs.

Oh, if only Russian oligarchs were Mexicans. If they were, Shroyer would be totally cool with those searches, but alas.

"If Robert Mueller would've stood at the southern border and he would've questioned people crossing over the southern border illegally and reading their text messages, the ACLU would be up his butt immediately saying he's a racist and he has to be jailed," Shroyer whined. "But he goes to the airport and questions Russian oligarchs and reads their electronic devices at the airport like a total insane madman, the ACLU's silent."

What a nice guy. He's all up in arms about rich Russian dudes' civil rights, but do not -- I repeat, DO NOT -- give a care to refugees from persecution in Honduras, either because they are not rich or they are brown. Or both.

Warming to his rant, Shroyer continued, "Robert Mueller is off the chain. He has no boundaries, he is limitless, he is above the law, he is lawless, he is super Mueller. This guy needs to be brought down."

Please proceed, Mr. Shroyer.

"Trump needs to stop this," he complained. Sure thing, Owen. Let Trump put the kibosh on Robert Mueller's investigation and see what happens next. Go ahead. I double-dog dare him.

But you know, if it was Obama or Hillary, then full steam ahead!

"If we can't stop this, if we can't prosecute Obama, if we can't indict Hillary, then we can't do anything. We have no backbone, we have no spine, we have no testicles, we have nothing, no legs, no arms, no brain," he concluded.

I'll go along with that, particularly the part about no brain. Maybe work on that, Owen, and stand down on the calls to "bring down" a duly appointed federal prosecutor who was also head of the FBI for 12 years.

Damn, how does YouTube leave these yahoos on the air?

(h/t Media Matters)

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