Judge Napolitano Rips Nunes, Wrecks Stuart Varney's Claims Of 'Deep State Conspiracy'

Fox News' senior legal analyst crushed Stuart Varney's defense of Devin Nunes actions.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes' recent demands to see all the intelligence that spurred on Russian investigations from the Intelligence community, a Fox News senior analyst tells Varney & Company, this may result in the intelligence community not being candid with Congress any longer.

Host Stuart Varney approached Chairman Nunes as if he is a credible source of information.
In reality, he's consistently embarrassed himself and the House Intelligence Committee by acting as a proxy defense attorney for the Trump campaign, which includes creating phony stories and releasing cherry-picked intelligence reports.

Varney played video of Nunes saying "there was no intelligence" that caused the Russia investigations and then asked Judge Napolitano what it means.

Napolitano said, "It is very dangerous for politicians, office holders who happen to have national security clearances -- which he has and very few members of Congress do because he's chair of the House Intel committee - to look at raw intelligence and then cherry pick it and summarize it for political purposes."

(Varney was not happy.)

He continued, "It is very dangerous. Expect Adam Schiff to do the same thing and come up with a different conclusion."

Varney was still clinging tight to his blanket and exclaimed, "But wait a second!" He whined that if there is no real intelligence for Russia, Russia, Russia, then it was "a deep state conspiracy."

That's his usual fallback position dealing with the FBI and Robert Mueller.

Napolitano explained that the raw intelligence is only about 10% of what the FBI does, the other 90% is investigating crimes.

He told Fox business host that anytime Congress would try to get involved in their investigations they would be shut down because it was an ongoing case.

"They would tell that Congress to take a hike." And a federal judge would quash it.

"Because interrupting with, interfering and exposing the contents of an active investigation tips off the defendant, scares away witnesses and frustrates the investigation. It just isn't done."

In other words, Nunes continues to act like a Trump lackey and not the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

Varney says, "Good on you, Devin Nunes."

Judge Nap, "This will result in intelligence agencies not being candid with Congress if they believe that raw intelligence will be exposed, cherry-picked and used for political purposes."

That's what's been happening since Nunes got involved.

Varney claimed that it's really great if this ends the Russia investigation, but Judge Napolitano shut him up quickly.

"Why do you keep repeating yourself." They laughed because he made a good point.
"It sounds the way you want it to sound," he said.

Good little conspiracy boy.

After the Fox Business host said he found the whole investigation into Russia bogus, Judge Napolitano shut him up quickly and forced him to move on to another topic.

Napolitano said, "What about the 13 Russian persons and entities indicted for interfering with the campaign who were sanctioned by the President of the United States with financial sanctions? He obviously agreed with the indictment."

Varney replied, "I've got to move on."

Napolitano called him out: "The advantages of being the anchor."

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