Larry Kudlow Attacks CBO To Defend Massive Tax Cuts: 'Never Believe The CBO'
Never believe Larry Kudlow, never.
Is it the job of every Trump administration official to lie with impunity? Does Kellyanne Conway hold a special "How to Lie" seminar to prepare them?
Larry Kudlow, new "economic advisor" to the Trump "administration", joined the three-headed propaganda team at Fox &Friends this morning and said you can "never believe the Congressional Budget Office", even though he has used them over the years to justify his opinions.
Kudlow came on to promote Donald's massive tax cuts for the wealthy, which the CBO calculated would add at least 1.4 trillion dollars to the deficit. Kudlow laid down a smokescreen thick enough to blind Fox viewers to the facts, of course.
After Kudlow hyped the idea that Americans will not be forced to fill out long forms for their taxes, co-host Brian Kilmeade compared Larry to a great coach, but was upset that the CBO rained on their parade and reported a huge increase in the federal deficit because of the tax cuts.
Kilmeade said, "The tax plan was in. You liked a lot of it and then all of sudden they hit you with, the CBO comes out and goes, yea, it's gonna lead to trillion dollar deficits. What's your answer to that?
Kudlow calmly replied, “Never believe the CBO. Very important. Never believe them. They’re always wrong, especially with regard to tax cuts, which they never score properly because they don’t understand the growth, the incentives, and the encouragements to reward success.”
See, his proof is that the CBO doesn't believe in the confidence fairy.
Then Kudlow threw out possible scenarios of how these tax cuts could somehow generate trillions of federal dollars towards the deficits.
Kudlow, "....this is not a personal attack but their track record on tax cuts - not good."
Think Progress did some digging into his record and finds when a Democrat is in office, he has a much different opinion of the CBO.
Donald Trump and his campaign team in 2016, throughout the entire election, claimed the unemployment numbers were phony, the economy was melting down and the stock market would bust.
However, President Obama's economy was strong and carried over into Trump's first term, so now Donald loves the same numbers that panned during the election.
Larry Kudlow is following suit.
The Trump administration certainly are consistent with one thing in general...