Rep. Trey Gowdy: 'Serious Investigations Don't Make Up Their Mind First'
This is the same man who led the Benghazi witch hunt against Hillary Clinton.
This is the same man who led the Benghazi witch hunt against Hillary Clinton, and defended their eleven hours of badgering her in front of his committee (with questions that were either already debunked myths, or questions she had already answered in previous appearances before Congress) by saying that their questions were "new" but her "answers were a little old."
Rep. Trey Gowdy made an appearance on this Sunday's Face the Nation, and actually managed to avoid having lightening strike him when he said this in response to host Margaret Brennan's question about his opinions on the latest revelations in the Mueller Russiagate investigation:
BRENNAN: I want to talk to you both about why you wrote this book, why you did it together, but I want to also ask about some of the news of the moment. The special counsel did reveal this week that Trump campaign official Rick Gates, who is a cooperating witness in that investigation, knowingly had communications on more than one occasion during the campaign with a person the FBI believes had active ties to Russian intelligence. Congressman, as a former prosecutor, what does this say to you?
GOWDY: It says that I'm glad we have Bob Mueller. I'm glad we have an independent ball and strike caller. Congress has proven itself incapable of conducting serious investigations. And our best hope for finding -
BRENNAN: You include our own committee, House Intelligence, on that?
GOWDY: Absolutely. Not just House Intelligence. Congressional investigations leak like the "Gossip Girls." They - I mean, they're terrible and I would be telling you that if I were staying in Congress. They are just not serious. Serious investigations don't leak. Serious investigations don't make up their mind first and then go in search of the evidence to validate your previously held conviction.
BRENNAN: Did your committee do that with clearing any collusion in the case of Russia?
GOWDY: I think Adam Schiff in March of 2017 said he had evidence more than circumstantial but not direct. And oh, by the way there is no body of evidence that's more than circumstantial but not direct, but he said he had it of collusion and we've been waiting for -- for over a month and -- for over a year now for him to actually produce that – that evidence. That is not serious. And -- and I'm hoping that either the Senate investigation or Mueller will - will be more objective.
h/t didnotpa