Ron Johnson Is Very Concerned That Mueller Is Too Close To The FBI
Another trip down the rabbit hole of RoJo's mind.
Wisconsin's dumb senator, Ron Johnson, was on NBC's Meet The Press with Chuck Todd on Sunday. During the interview, Todd allowed RoJo to mewl and pout about the Robert Mueller investigation into Trump's Russiagate:
Todd: Last October you thought Special Counsel Robert Mueller should be fired, be replaced.
Johnson: What I have always said -- special counsel was named too soon. I would have had the senate and house intelligence committees complete their report. I know what happens when you have a criminal investigation, it's that much more difficult for congress to get information to allow the american public to understand what's happening. they are different goals of a special counsel versus congressional oversight. I think in this case, the most important thing is public disclosure. that is harmed when you start having special counsel and all the information is gathered and held close.
Todd: What you are seeing you feel as if the congressional investigations have been hampered by special counsel?
Johnson: Yes, I think absolutely. My concern with Special Counsel Mueller is he is so close to the FBI, I have been conducting a three year investigation into the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton. I think we're seeing some real problems. I didn't think former director Mueller would be the right type of person to investigate that. I'm actually pleased with the appointment of John Huber. He is a disinterested U.S. Attorney to work with the Office of Inspector General.
Todd: You are okay with Jeff Sessions not appointing special counsel?
Johnson: That's the best case for the time being.Because the Office of Inspector General is Somewhat independent of the agency. Horowitz has done a good job. Hopefully, we will get his report in the next month. We asked him to testify before our committee. I hope does he so as soon as soon as the report is issued.
Todd: Where are you on Mueller? Finish his investigation?
Johnson:Yeah, Again I thought he was appointed too soon. i would have rather had the process play out. i think public disclosure -- the public's right to know - trumps everything else.
In other words, RoJo is upset because he can't lead a sham investigation and lay out the story as Trump thinks they should, much like happened with Nunes.
But RoJo wasn't always so upset.
in May of 2017, RoJo was happy to have Mueller do the investigation so that congress could focus on "the important issues." Y'know, like denying poor people healthcare and giving humongous tax breaks to the wealthy, like himself.
By October, RoJo was so upset that Mueller was focused on the truth rather than the Republican spin that he thought Mueller should resign because HILLARY'S EMAILS!
Lest we forget, RoJo was so upset about Mueller and the FBI digging up the truth that he tried to sabotage the investigation, going so far as to start wild conspiracy theories, such as the FBI's "secret society" who wanted nothing more than to take Trump down.
Personally, my regret is that RoJo is acting like the damned fool that he is now and not being up for reelection for four more years.