Trump Rage-Tweets After Dan Bongino Rants On Fox And Friends About James Comey
Cadet Bone Spurs is in a lather over tonight's interview with someone he doesn't think is smart or competent. What's got him so upset, then?
President Rage-Tweeter is at it again. Failed Secret Service agent, NYPD cop and current NRA TV anger translator Dan Bongino made an appearance on Fox and Friends this morning to stir up some fresh anger against former FBI director James Comey. Trump obliged.
I did not clip the whole segment, but note how Bongino names off three or four "scandals" which are not scandals at all, except in the minds of small, petty, Fox News and NRA TV personalities.
Cadet Bone Spurs obliged. We begin with the "Slimeball" tweet, where he goes on about how Comey on some level made decisions based upon the assumption that Hillary was going to win. Note to Trump: That decision HELPED you, you nitwit.
Next, some blather about imaginary failures to do things, including the rapidly-expanding donation to Andy McCabe's wife's campaign.
Next, we have the Lynch-Clinton confab on the tarmac, an endless source of grievance to Bone Spurs.
We now bring you a break so that Cadet Bone Spurs can congratulate himself on "Mission Accomplished."
Great military term!
Break over. Back to Comey, and the grievances. This time yet another denial about Trump demanding personal loyalty, which he denies so vehemently you know he demanded that loyalty oath.
Oops, another break while he rants about Michael Cohen.
And we are back to the Dumbest Man In The White House going after James Comey again, this time declaring him the "WORST FBI director in history, by far."
Mind you, this is before tonight's interview airs with George Stephanopoulis on another network which is not Fox News. At the rate he's going, he'll stroke out before noon.