Nicolle Wallace: 'Unleashed' 'Manic' Trump Is Scaring Kids -- And The Country

Nicolle Wallace and Washington Post reporter Phil Rucker break down Trump's lunacy and his whacko board of advisors.

On Trump's Manic Monday, he began by forgetting where he lives and then heading out to the Truman Balcony to scare some kids, and Nicolle Wallace is all over it.

"The president is loose on the Truman Balcony and I think he's scaring the kids," Wallace observed as she led off her show.

Ticking off all of Trump's mania this morning, Wallace said, "Capping a morning of Twitter rage where he launched attacks on his own Justice department and FBI, Amazon, CNN, NBC, Mexico, Democrats and so-called caravans of people traveling through Mexico."

Trump couldn't remember the name of the White House. He also had some thoughts about DACA kids, as if it wasn't bad enough that he disrupted everyone's Easter with his unhinged attack on DACA, the program HE ENDED and then decided to blame on Dems.

So what gives with that, right? What exactly triggered Cadet Bone Spurs into slapping people around who came here through no choice of their own?

Ah, the company he keeps. Here we just thought it was Lou Dobbs, but no, it's more than that. According to reports, Cadet Bone Spurs spent his weekend talking on the phone and having dinner with the Fox News crew. Trump got himself all wound up over dinner Saturday night with Sean Hannity, Bill Shine, and chatting it up with Jeanine Pirro. Pirro sat in for Hannity and interviewed Ann Coulter. According to some reports, Trump let fly to avoid having Coulter angry with him.

That's right. Cadet Bone Spurs is afraid of Ann Coulter.

Oh, and he's been "unshackled," apparently oblivious and not interested in anything other than serving his rabid base with his trade wars and his immigrant fever.

I wonder if it was Lou Dobbs or Jeanine Pirro or Ann Coulter who advised him to set quotas for immigration judges so people can be deported faster and easier?

No worries, y'all. Phil Rucker reassures us that this is just Trump, unleashed. He has his Fox News cabinet, "he doesn't need a chief of staff, he doesn't need advisors telling him what to do, that he knows what to do and his gut instincts are what's best to drive the country," Rucker explains.

"And increasingly he's acting upon those impulses and instincts. He's always felt those impulses but there have been the first year of the presidency people around here trying to steer him in a different direction, trying to slam the brakes on some of these decisions, inform him of the consequence, maybe convince him for an alternate path."

In case you thought maybe someone could talk sense to him, guess again. The guy can't remember the name of the house he lives in but Rucker advises that he's doing as he pleases.

Enumerating Trump's recent self-inflicted earthquakes, Rucker said, "We saw it with the trade tariffs a few weeks ago. We've seen it with the decision to have talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un. And we saw it over the weekend with these tweets about Mexico and immigration and DACA program as well as the tweets...attacking Amazon with falsehoods that his own White House officials have repeatedly tried to explain to him, tried to explain to him the truth, that the U.S. Postal Service benefits and profits from Amazon, that the Washington Post is not, in fact, a lobbyist for Amazon."

"But he doesn't seem to be listening to them" he concluded. "He's just saying what he believes and what he thinks."

Well yeah, because it's served him so well. Or maybe he's just going with the feels he gets when Putin says "Good Boy!" or Ann Coulter doesn't kick him around. We are a country being governed (sort of) by lunatics and idiots.

After discussing Trump's DACA lunacy, Rucker pointed out that he doesn't even understand what DACA is.

"I don't know if that's purposeful or not, but clearly he has been briefed by his staff on what the facts are and he just chooses to believe what he wants to believe," he said.

Exactly. He's a man-baby with low intellect who thinks he can govern on gut. If today is any indication, the sooner we impeach him the better. Forget Russia, forget Putin, forget everything but this: He is absolutely incapable of governing. He's a petty little tyrant who has some power and plans to use it to benefit himself and his pals.

That's the impeachable offense. By the time he's finished, we'll have no markets, no jobs and no country.

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