Trump Yells 'Stupid Question' At Jonathan Karl Over Michael Cohen
Please don't ask Donald Trump about Michael Cohen.
When asked by ABC News' Jonathan Karl if he would pardon Michael Cohen, Donald Trump expressed his dismay.
During this morning's press pool with French Pres. Macron, Donald Trump was once again calling the Iran nuclear deal horrific sayings it "should never, ever have have been made."
"We gave1.6 billion in cash, it's actual cash. Barrels of cash. It's insane."
ABC's Jonathan Karl broke through the press pool scrum and asked, "Mr. President, what about Michael Cohen? Are you considering -- [a pardon?]"
Trump at first seemed to ignore him, "Thank you very much."
But then he pointed at Karl and said, "Stupid question. Go ahead, any other -- anybody else, please?"
Michael Cohen is definitely a topic that infuriates Donald Trump.