Alex Jones Claims Staged Terror Attacks Are Coming Against CNN And MSNBC
What's scary is, this could influence some nut to take up arms against the two cable networks that are not Trump's lapdogs.
After conspiracy nut Alex Jones was discussing how CNN has "both feet in the grave" while discussing the AT&T merger and how they are trying to remove Trump to save themselves, he veered farther into never-never land.
Jones is now claiming "the globalists" will have their backs and stage terror attacks against both networks not named Fox News so they can appear more sympathetic.
Jones said, "CNN is a bunch of hired mercenaries and mainly political hacks from the Democratic Party and failed Republicans that get up there and put out their propaganda."
He continued, "And they’re also pushing this narrative that Trump is going to get them killed and the word is the globalists are looking to stage terror attacks against CNN, MSNBC, to make them the victim. I mean, that’s how desperate they are to try to up the narrative and make themselves pertinent in this whole victimology culture..."
It's unfortunate that Jones spends so much time concocting myopic and disruptive conspiracy narratives, but I guess it pays well.
And by the way, Alex, "hired mercenaries" is redundant.