Arms Dealer Oliver North To Be Next President Of The NRA

Oliver North, the felon who weaseled out of his convictions on a technicality will now take the reins of what can only be considered a paramilitary insurgent organization.

You read that right. Oliver "Iran-Contra" North will be the next President of the NRA. Granted, it's mostly a symbolic position since Wayne LaPierre gets paid around $5,000,000 a year to pimp guns.

But there is some really wild irony -- trolling, even -- involved here. North is the guy who facilitated arms sales to Iran, was convicted for it, and then saw his convictions reversed not because they weren't valid, but because of technicalities with his immunity deals.

And now the NRA is a de facto paramilitary organization acting on behalf of arms manufacturers everywhere, with Oliver North as the face they turn to the public.

Oliver North, Cold Warrior, Reagan acolyte and eventual fall guy. Consider this Mother Jones story today about the NRA's promotion of a Russian rifle which pierces U.S. body armor. How very patriotic of them.

In 2015, the NRA sent a delegation to Russia to tour the factory where the guns are manufactured which pierce American body armor. The delegation included Sheriff David Clarke along with a top NRA donor and past NRA president David Keene.

While the NRA delegation was in Moscow, it visited the ORSIS offices and facilities. The group, accompanied by Butina, watched a video extolling the T-5000, toured the company’s manufacturing plant, and observed rifles being made. Then members of the delegation test-fired ORSIS rifles at an on-site shooting range. The company presented the NRAers with swanky watches bearing the company’s logo.


The NRA trip to ORSIS was of use to the Russian gunmaker. The company produced a video showing the NRA delegates oohing and aahing over the T-5000. The video was one in a series of short films promoting ORSIS and its weapons. The video was posted on YouTube four weeks after the visit.

Gun sales over country, after all. Just ask Lt. Col. Oliver Effing North.

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