Christian Taliban 'Pastor': 'I Fear More Liberals In America Than I Fear Putin In Russia’

I'm fairly certain this is not what Jesus meant when he instructed Christians to love one another.

Donald Trump is counting on evangelicals like Lance Wallnau to bring out the vote and save the Republican majority since they did it so well in 2016.

Wallnau is as whack as they come, but he has standing in the evangelical world and his words actually do carry weight, just like John Hagee's and Franklin Graham's do. (Aside: What I wouldn't give for a Frank Schaeffer counterweight tour to these guys....)

Wallnau went on Jim Bakker's show -- Yes, THAT Jim Bakker -- and proceeded to rip into his fellow Americans simply because they do not share his politics or his sexual preferences.

“Don’t ever underestimate the hostility that America’s system has toward anyone who won’t bow the knee to the orthodoxy of the homosexual agenda,” Wallnau told his audience. “That is the unpardonable sin to the liberals.”

Aside: Why are they always so obsessed with sex? Sex doesn't feed poor people or take care of sick people!

He continued, “I’m not saying that Putin is a good guy. He’s like a mafia chief over there.”

Oh, cool. Good to know that he's not down with the guy who murders journalists and other dissidents while meddling in elections and annexing Ukraine. Probably smart.

Oh, wait.

“I will say that he is not nearly—as a Christian, if you are faithful to Russia and you are not a danger to his government, you are probably not going to find him an adversary in your own nation," Wallnau said. "I fear more liberals in America than I fear Putin in Russia.”

I'm old enough to remember when Putin was an adversary. Now these fakers in mantles of ministry hold him up as an ally because he hates the gays.

It is shameful -- absolutely, utterly shameful -- to hear an American "Christian" speak this way of his fellow Americans simply because they have different political views. I have, in the past, defended churches' tax exemption but for people like this, it needs to go. They lead the Church of the Almighty Dollar, an empty, hollowed-out shell of faith.

(h/t Right Wing Watch)

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