Donald Trump Tweets Outrage About The 49 Mueller Questions He Probably Leaked To The Press

The general consensus is that Trump or his associates leaked a list of 49 questions Special Counsel Robert Mueller would like to ask in an interview, but Trump tweeted his "outrage" about the leak anyway while claiming "no collusion."

Donald Trump will never waste a moment of outrage, even when he or someone on his team creates it. After news broke about the "49 questions" Robert Mueller has for Trump, he did what Trump always does: Took to Twitter to complain, deflect, and defend himself.

The problem here is that it's quite likely that Trump or someone on Trump's team leaked them to the New York Times.

Michael Zeldin told CNN earlier today that he didn't believe the questions were even written by lawyers.

"Lawyers wouldn't write questions this way in my estimation. Some of the grammar is not even proper," he said. "So I don't see this as a list of written questions that Mueller's office gave to the President. I think these are more notes that the White House has taken and then they have expanded upon the conversation to write out these as questions."

As Brooke Baldwin points out, Trump also claims that there were no questions about collusion in the list of 49, when in fact one of the questions is specifically about what conversations Trump or his campaign had regarding meeting with Vladimir Putin and whether it was discussed with others.

Up to now, there have been no leaks from the Mueller team and it's unlikely this was a leak from them either. But the leaks have been coming faster and with greater frequency since Rudy Giuliani joined the Trump team, which would give weight to the idea of the leak originating there.

Whatever the source, the questions certainly suggest a broad, in-depth, active investigation.

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