'Fox And Friends' Praise Kanye West's Ignorant Slavery Comments

To Fox News, it doesn't matter what Kanye West believes as long as he praises Trump.

While most people were criticizing Kanye West for his uninformed and ludicrous remarks about slavery during a TMZ interview yesterday, Trump's favorite TV show praised him since Trump is his "boy."

During the Hurricane Katrina nightmare, Kanye West became public enemy number one on Fox News for saying, "George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”

Apparently all is forgiven.

Kanye's mindless babble about people not being able to think and feel for themselves which he used to defend his Trump-love finally became too much for the TMZ interviewer Van Lathan:

“I actually don’t think you’re thinking anything,” Lathan said.“I think what you’re doing right now is actually the absence of thought. And the reason why I feel like that is because, Kanye, you’re entitled to your opinion.

“Frankly, I’m disappointed, I’m appalled and, brother, I am unbelievably hurt by the fact that you have morphed into something, to me, that’s not real.”

The three co-hosts of Fox and Friends played some video of the interview and completely ignored his offensive comments about slavery to instead focus on Trump, " I just love Trump. That's my boy."

Perfect state sponsored propaganda.

Lathan's rebuke of Kanye never made it on-air and instead F&F covered it up as a momentary misunderstanding.

Kilmeade said, "Then he tweeted out about freedom, about slavery. He said, you know, came out and says slavery was a choice and then he went ahead and clarified on Twitter because it caused outrage, obviously, with that statement. He said to think about 400 years ago and be in that mindset today is a choice. Get out of that mindset and think about now. So that was a lot of the controversy."

Doocy then ignore the controversy also to focus on West's claims that Trump is rapper's favorite man on the planet

"He said Trump is one of rap's favorite people."

He then went on to explain how politically savvy West is even though Kanye had said he knows nothing about politics.

Ainsley brought up the evil Hollywood liberal meme and congratulated Kanye for speaking up,"Good for him, tripling down. This is the third or fourth time he said he loves him."

We've lost count how many times Ainsley has said she loves Trump.

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