Fox News Host Blames Santa Fe Massacre On Video Games

Fox News' Jon Scott finds another nonsensical "reason" for the latest mass school shooting. Anything but guns, right, NRA?

Soon after the Santa Fe High school shooting was reported, Fox News host Jon Scott decided to use one of the most myopic NRA talking points to make sense of the massacre of at least eight people today.

Jon Scott said, "Just the fact that so many kids are awash in video games, you know, they spend so much time in front of their television screens with some of these very violent and realistic video games. That has to be something that gets looked at, but how do you police that kind of thing?"

Not knowing anything about the killer or the massacre, this is what Scott decides to talk about.

And then Fox News guest Steve Rodgers became even dopier.

Rodgers agreed, "My wife an I were out to dinner on Mother's day, took my mother out and families are coming out and their kids are on their computers on Mother's Day dinner, they are playing these violent games. The parents need to police that."

The horror!

He continued, "I gotta tell you when I was brought up you go out for Mother's Day you're concentrating on mom and grandma, you're not playing video games..."

How does Steve even know what these mass shooters in waiting were playing anyway? Did he leave his Mother's Day dinner to get up, walk over to other families' dinner tables and abruptly look on the kids' mobile devices?

WTF does that even mean? Kids acting like kids is now the cause of mass shootings in high schools?

In 2012, after Sandy Hook, the NRA's Wayne La Pierre said, "There exists in this country sadly, a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows violence against its own people. Through vicious, violent video games with names like Bullet Storm, Grand Theft Auto, Mortal Kombat and Splatterhouse."

Nice going Jon, Wayne LaPierre and Oliver North must be thrilled watching this segment.


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