Fox's Bret Baier: Don't Dare Blame Trump For Roseanne's Racist Tweet

Fox's Bret Baier thinks it was terribly unfair for Max Boot to blame Donald Trump for normalizing the racism we saw in Roseanne's racist tweet that ended up getting her show canceled on ABC.

This morning, Fox did their best to completely ignore Roseanne Barr's racist tweet attacking former senior Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett and calling her an ape that Barr later apologized for and called a "joke."

Once ABC decided to cancel Barr's show, Fox wasn't going to be able to ignore the story any longer, since most of their audience are the same people who were watching Roseanne. If the show hadn't been canceled, I'm sure they'd have been happy to have ignored Barr's tweets forever.

While discussing the breaking news on Dana Perino's show on Fox, Perino brought up a tweet by Max Boot laying the blame for normalizing this sort of racism on Trump.

Perino and her fellow Fox host, Bret Baier, both thought it was terribly unfair for anyone to blame this on Trump, with Baier playing the "both sides" game and pretending that there's some equivalent to Barr and Trump's behavior on the left.

PERINO: An unfortunate thing to be tarred with. I don't think that president Trump had anything to do with this tweet, but because Roseanne Barr had been supportive of him in the past, I think some people are taking it to an extreme, suggesting that this has something to do with the president.

BAIER: I mean, this is what's going to happen. I think as you see this coverage evolve, Roseanne Barr's character on the show supported Donald Trump. Roseanne had said some positive things about Donald Trump. But is Donald Trump responsible for that tweet about Valerie Jarrett?

I mean, if that's the standard by which you're going to look at things, there are a lot of people on the left and far left that have said some pretty aggressive things, if Democratic leaders are going to be tied to those statements.

I... listen, I think that this stands alone, by itself.

PERINO: Right.

BAIER: An action that ABC took, took quickly and is probably going to receive a lot of applause for doing it.

PERINO: And also Roseanne took. One of the things I think is so interesting, twitter is just this place that's a cesspool. There are so many people who should just walk away from twitter right now, because not only did the entire cast just lose a show.

You notice they never mention any names when they do this. I'm sure in Fox-land, "aggressive" behavior is something like demanding universal health care, speaking out against income inequality, or protesting against police brutality.

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