How The Right Plays Word Games To Promote Their Conspiracy Theories UPDATED

Taking individual words out of context is how conservatives concoct the conspiracy theories that they use to defend Trump.

For over a decade now conservative activists and pundits have been able to gaslight any political situation by taking basic words from their rivals or the media and then completely rewriting their meanings in order to justify their phony claims.

On Fox News' Special Report with Brett Baier, The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway used this technique on Rep. Adam Schiff to try and sow doubt into the ozone.

After Thursday’ much-ballyhooed meetings with members of Congress and DOJ officials demanded by Trump, the leading Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee made a statement that should put to bed any conspiracies about Donald being spied on.

Rep. Schiff said, "Nothing today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intelligence agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign."

Sen. Mitch McConnell remained mum on the entire issue and made some innocuous remark about conclusions before saying it was classified.

Host Bret Baier set the stage for the two different meetings that took place and turned for comment to Hemingway, who was part of Baier's All-Star Panel.

Mollie took Schiff’s words, not the conclusion he made, mind you, and spun them into a conspiracy saying," I just saw that Schiff statement and there were three words that stuck out for me."

She continued, "Evidence, spy, and in."

Hemingway explained they did know if much "evidence" was shared or not shared in the meetings.

"Second, spy, which he says they see no evidence of a spy after spending days - Democrats have been spending days saying having an informant on a campaign is different than a spy."

Adam used the word spy to rebuke Trump promoting the false narrative.

"And then the third word is in. I don't think anyone is actually saying that the spy is in the campaign so much as placed near the campaign."

Trump said Obama embedded a spy in his campaign, Mollie.

Hemingway explained they really don't know that much about "this burgeoning crisis and scandal."

And then by just asking questions, she continues promoting the lie-gate gaslighting meme.

She finished by saying, "A lot of people in town are trying to pretend this is not a huge issue. I think most Americans would say learning the FBI was engaged in this kind of operation against a political campaign is really just breathtaking."

So, out of Rep. Adam Schiff's clear statements denouncing what Trump and his surrogates have claimed, Hemingway turned it into the possibility that the FBI did indeed engage in trying to destroy Trump's campaign.

Now that, Mollie, is breathtaking.

Here’s Trump’s tweet, Mollie.

UPDATE: Look at this.

Trump name-checked Mollie!

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