Mike's Blog Round Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts...

The "Moron or Idiot?" Edition.

Campus speech issues: Crooked Timber on the "free" speech the Charles Koch Foundation has purchased at a public institution.

The Rude One on Trump's Michigan campaign event/counter-programming to the W.H. Corresp.'s Din-din: "The "speech" (if by "speech," you mean, "a long, dark ride into the gaping mouth of madness with a jabbering, methed-out orangutan driving") was a series of lines that, said by any president prior to 2017, would have triggered paroxysms of garment-rending among politicians and the media over how demented and/or criminal said president is."

"It Can't Happen Here": The Debate Link notes anti-semitism in the 101st Airborne Division & "counter-semitism" in the California Senate primary.

Death (or Murder) of the Media, possibly at the hands of Facebook. Slacktivist will miss Religion News Service when it's gone.

Bonus Track: Sarah Sanders suggests it's Executive Mansion S.O.P. to commit robbery at a doctor's office in order to ensure transfer of medical records to a new doctor. If you say so, Smoky-Eyes.

Assembled (w/o the instructions) by M. Bouffant, of Web Of Evil (& Ennui). Submissions may be sent to mbru@crooksandliars.com. (Spam, advertising proposals & the like will be mercilessly deleted.)

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