Morally Bankrupt Howard Safir Blames Common Core For Santa Fe HS Shooting

We thought we'd heard it all. But Former NYPD Commissioner throws a new excuse out for gun nuts to grab onto. Common Core.

Just when we thought there was nothing left to blame school shootings on, Fox News scrapes the bottom of the sewage tank with a spatula to find someone completely unqualified and half-decomposed to blame something ridiculous.

Rather than look at real reasons why shootings keep happening, (starts with "G," ends with "U-N-S,") former NYC Police Commissioner Howard Safir delves into his vast educational background. According to him, here is why tragedy occurred again, this time today at Santa Fe High School near Houston, TX.

SAFIR:...this is one of those things where we have to look at every single aspect. You know, something I don't think anybody has mentioned, and it's probably not gonna be popular, but we have to look at this Common Core curriculum, which takes emotionally disturbed kids and learning disabled kids and mainstreams them into the general population of students, where they really don't get the kind of attention they need."

I know not where to begin.

Nobody has mentioned it, Howie, because it is a vile and ludicrous suggestion. No. We do not have to look at Common Core. In fact, you should never look at Common Core again.

1. You're, of course, completely incorrect about what Common Core does. It doesn't "take emotionally disturbed and learning disabled kids" and mainstream them into the gen pop classes. You're thinking of No Child Left Behind, and the "Least Restrictive Learning Environment." Common Core is a list of things kids are supposed to have learned by a certain grade. That's all. A set of standards.

2. "Emotionally disturbed" kids - or, if you aren't an a**hole, Fox News Guest - kids with mental illness, are no more violent than other kids. In fact, this would be a GREAT time to remind you that they are 10 times more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators.

3. "Learning disabled" kids? You're gonna try to blame this shooting on kids with dyslexia being in the same classroom with kids who don't have dyslexia? I can't even begin to deal with that one, dude.

But, hey. What more can we expect from the guy who ran the police department when New York's finest brutally tortured Hatian immigrant Abner Louima, and killed Amadou Diallo in a hail of gunfire totaling 41 bullets? Oh, and let's not forget the time he, himself, hit a woman who was seven months pregnant with his car, and drove off.

Yeah, Howard Safir really know what he's talking about when he wants everyone to focus on Common Core as the reason a kid might shoot up his high school. Anything not to focus on the availability of guns.

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