Rudy Giuliani's Shocking Admission: Cohen Paid Stormy; Trump Paid Cohen

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani admitted that Michael Cohen paid off Stormy Daniels and further admitted that Trump repaid Cohen on Sean Hannity's show.

Stormy Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti must think he just won the lottery after Rudy Giuliani's interview with Sean Hannity tonight.

Why? Because Giuliani not only admitted that Cohen paid Stormy Daniels, but also that Trump repaid Cohen for that payoff.

"Michael Cohen?," Rudy begain. "That money was not campaign money, sorry. I'm giving you a fact that you don't know. It's not campaign money. no campaign finance."

Apparently admitting a payoff after lying about it for months is not as bad as the possibility of campaign finance violations? It seems as though Rudy took a calculated risk.

"Everybody was nervous about this from the very beginning," he told Hannity. "I know how much money he put into that campaign and I said $130,000, They could do a couple of checks for $130,000. when I heard his retainer of 130,000 he was doing the work for the president."

"That's how he's repaying it with a little profit in the little margin," he explained.

This is what I think Giuliani meant by this: Cohen paid Stormy and billed the campaign for the $130,000 in the form of legal fees, which were then paid by the campaign. Examinations of the FEC reports through the end of the campaign indicate payments of 129,999.92 to Cohen for legal fees. But of course, Trump firmly denied any such payment when asked.

Hannity, visibly shocked, asked whether Trump knew about it.

"He knew he [Cohen] would take care of things like this," Giuliani answered. "Like I take care of this with my clients, I don't burden them with every single thing that comes along."

Stormy Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti was stunned as well.

"This is a stunning revelation," Daniels' lawyer Michael Avenatti told the AP. "Mr Trump evidently has participated in a felony and there must be serious consequences for his conduct and his lies and deception to the American people."

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